Written By: God through Inspiration
Penned By: Hosea
Date Penned: BC 715 (Covering Events BC 753-715)
Overview: God's Wayward People (c 4-14)
Theme: Israel's Punishment (c 6-14)
Message: God Wants Israel's Love (v 1-11)
Chapter 6 Commentary
(6:1-2) This is Presumption, not genuine repentance. The people did not understand the depth of their sins.
They did not turn from idols. Pledge to change, or regret their sins. They thought God's wrath would last only a few days.
Little did they know that their nation would soon be taken into exile. Israel was interested in God only for the
material benefits that came from worshipping him. Before judging them, however, consider your attitude. What do you hope to
gain from your religion? Do you "repent" easily, without seriously considering what changes need to take place
in your life?
(6:3) God had shown his faithfulness to Israel many times. They
knew that if they sought to know him and his ways, he would reveal himself to them, and they were right as seen in chapter
2. The problem was that they were so deep in sin that they did not really want to know him. They wanted the benefits, but
not his discipline or guidance.
(6:4) God answered his people, pointing
out that their profession of loyalty, like a mist, evaporated easily and had no substance. Many find it easy and comfortable
to maintain the appearance of being committed but is their loyalty deep and sincere? If you profess loyalty to God you will
back it up with your actions.
(6:6) Religious rituals can help people understand God and nourish their relationship
with him, This is why God instituted circumcision and the sacrificial system in the Old Testament and Baptism and the Lord's
Supper in the New. But a religious ritual is helpful only if it is carried out with an attitude of love for and obedience
to God. If one's heart is far from God, the ritual becomes empty mockery, God didn't want the Israelites' rituals. He
wanted their hearts. Why do you worship? What is the motive behind your "offerings" and "sacrifices"?
(6:7) One of Hosea's key themes is that Israel had broken the treaty, or covenant, they had made
with God at Mount Sinai in Exodus chapter 19. God wanted to make Israel a light to all the nations and if they obeyed
him while proclaiming Him to the World, he would give them special blessings. If they broke the covenant however they
would suffer severe penalties as they should have known as outlined in Deuteronomy chapter 28. Sadly, the people broke
the agreement and proved themselves unfaithful to God, How about us? Have we also broken faith with God? What about our forgotten
promises to serve him?
(6:8,9) Gilead was once a sacred place, but now it was corrupt.
(6:11) Do that Judah would not become proud as they saw the Northern Kingdom's Destruction, Hosea
interjected a solemn warning. God's Temple was in Judah (Jerusalem) and the people thought that what happened in Israel could
never happen to them. But when they had become utterly corrupt, they too were led off into captivity as seen in 2 Kings,
chapter 25.
Burnette's Life Application
Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making
an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue
in the Book of Hosea with Chapter 6 In our text today we see Israel's punishment as they agreed they were
sinning but did not repent or turn from their sin thinking God would punish them for a little while and they would return
to their sin following His punishment. In making application we see that true repentance is necessary for salvation and forgiveness
of sin. How about you? Have you repented or totally turned from your sin? Let us learn from our text today and the nation
of Israel to see that it takes more than just agreeing that you are a sinner, it takes repentance of your sin and faith in
the finished work of Calvary to receive the free pardon of sin that only Jesus-Christ can provide for you.