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Dave Burnette's Commentary

Psalm Chapter 121

Written By: God through Inspiration
Penned By: David, Asaph, Solomon, Heman, Ethan, Moses, and the Sons of Korah
Date Penned: (1440-586 BC)
Overview: Poetry for the Expression of Praise and Worship to God (c 1-150)
Theme: The Fifth Book of Psalms (c 107-150)
Message: We Can Depend on God for Help (v 1-8)

Psalms 121 Commentary 

(121:1-8) Trust in the Lord - This song expresses assurance and hope in God's eternal protection, day and night. He not only made the hills but all of heaven and earth as well. We should never trust a lesser power than God himself or believe that answers to life's deepest questions can be found in nature or this world's wisdom. Not only is God all-powerful, but he also watches over us. He watches us like a sentinel or shepherd, alert to danger and ready to help with our needs. Nothing diverts or deters him. We are safe. Let us welcome God's caring and untiring watch over our lives


Dave Burnette's Life Application

Our Help

Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today, we continue in the Book of Psalms with Chapter 121. In our text today, we see the theme of how we can depend on God for help. In making an application, we see that as we travel through this ungodly land, we are protected, not by anything that is created but by the Creator. We see that our Help cometh from the Lord. How about you? Do you realize your source of help is from the Lord? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that in times of distress. We are to lift our eyes for our Help cometh from the Lord.


Psalm 121

Psalm 121

 1I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

 2My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

 3He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

 4Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

 5The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

 6The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

 7The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

 8The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.