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Your Personal Invitation to be Saved
and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over!!!
(1) God loves You!! Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (2) Your Sin (or Disobedience to God) has Separated You from God!! Romans 5:12, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned: (3) Only Jesus-Christ
can Forgive Your Sins!! Acts 4:12, Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (4) Will You Receive Jesus-Christ as
Your Lord (or Authority) & Savior (or Rescuer)?? Mark 1:15, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Repent
(Through Prayer) Sorrowfully tell God Your a Sinner, willing to turn from Your Sins and trust Jesus-Christ's shedding of Blood
and Death on the Cross for Full Payment of Your Sins and will Follow Him.
Director of the United States Bible Society David Burnette | Personal Blog
Thursday, October 31, 2013
A Pattern of PraiseEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 96. In our text today we see a theme of
How to Praise God through song, testifying, worship, giving, and living holy lives. In making application we see a pattern
of Praise and Worship. An everyday experience of walking in victory with the Lord. How about you? Do you live a life of Praise
and Worship? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to see a pattern of Praise and Worship which we can experience every
11:00 pm edt
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Worthy of WorshipEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 95. In our text today we see a theme of
an Invitation to Worship God, to lift Him up because He is Worthy of Worship. In making application we see the same invitation
to Worship today. When we Worship we lift Him up an others are drawn to Him for they see Him as He is. We Worship Him simply
because He is Worthy. How about you? Do you Worship the Lord? Let us learn from our text today and the invitation from David
to Worship the Lord simply because He is Worthy of Worship.
11:29 pm edt
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Ill Gotten GainEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 94. In our text today
we see a theme of how God will keep his people from the severe punishment awaiting the wicked. Since God is holy and just,
we can be certain that the wicked will not prevail. In making application we see that wicked will not profit from their ill
gotten gain. It seems like the wicked prosper but I can testify that their profit is just for a season and the power and justice
of a Holy God will judge the wicked. How about you? Are you tempted to follow the path of the wicked seeing their short lived
prosperity? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to be reminded that the wicked will not prosper from their ill gotten
gain as the Lord judges the wicked in His perfect timing.
11:20 pm edt
Monday, October 28, 2013
His GreatnessEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 93. In our text today
we see a theme of God's unchanging and almighty nature as His creation
reminds us of His Great Power. In making application we see a testimony to the the power of our God through His Creation.
This demonstration of His Greatness should encourage us to face any obstacle. If God is for us then who can be against us.
How about you? Are you facing a challenge in your life? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember the power of
our God by simply looking around us at the creation of our God.
11:48 pm edt
Sunday, October 27, 2013
A Heart of WorshipEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 92. In our text today we see a theme of
being thankful and faithful everyday. This psalm was used in temple services on the Sabbath as a form of worship. In making
application we see the need to have a heart of worship that is full of thanks and faithfulness. Today we face many challenges
that will discourage our hearts. A heart of worship will give us the right perspective as we navigate this lost world. How
about you? Do you have a heart of worship? Let us learn from our psalm and text today to remember that having a thankful and
faithful heart of worship will help us navigate this lost world we live in today.
11:28 pm edt
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Our RefugeEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 91. In our text today
we see a theme of God's protection in the midst of danger. In making application we see that God does not promise us a world
free from danger but He does promise His help whenever we face danger. Today we can be intimidated with our surroundings but
we can rest knowing that God is with us in the midst of our struggles. How about you? Do you see the protection of the Lord
in your life? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that our Lord protects us as He is our refuge and fortress.
1:05 am edt
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Eternal DecisionsEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 90. In our text today we see a theme of
God's eternal nature is contrasted with man's frailty. In making application we see that since our time on earth is limited
that we are to live for eternity and not for the moment. Today we live in an instant society, people want what they want now
with no thought for the future. In contrast the Lord instructs us to make decisions with eternity on our minds. How about
you? Do you live for the moment? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that we are live and make decisions
with eternity on our minds verses our own instant gratification.
11:03 pm edt
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
God Loves YouEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 89. In our text today
we see a theme of God's promise to preserve David's descendants. In this promise we see the lineage of Jesus-Christ who will
reign for eternity. In making application we see the loving kindness promised to David is ours too in Christ. Jesus loves
us right where we are - even in our sin. Just as David made mistakes, God still loved him, and just as we make mistakes, God
loves us. We do suffer the consequences of our sin but make no mistake that God still loves you even in your sin. How about
you? Do you have a problem believing that God loves us even when we don't love Him by sinning unconditionally? Let us learn
from our Psalm and text today to remember that God loves us, wants us to be saved, and live a life of blessings that he has
prepared for us.
10:51 pm edt
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Our God ListensEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 88. In our text today we see a theme of
God listening and understanding even when we are at our lowest point. Our God understands our sorrows, hears our prayers,
and responds according to His Will and Purpose for our lives. In making application we can have comfort knowing that our Lord
hears us and since He has suffered through so much when He walked on this earth - He knows our pain. How about you? Do you
know that our God understands our sorrows? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to be comforted and encouraged to know
that our God listens to our prayers and understands our sorrows.
11:01 pm edt
Monday, October 21, 2013
The ChurchEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 87. In our text today we see a theme of
Jerusalem, where all believers or "the Church" will one day gather. In making application we see that all true believers
make up the Church or the body of Christ. Although some claim to be the Church the Bibles is clear on who will gather one
day. Those who have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus-Christ. How about You? Are you part of His Church? Let us learn
through our Psalm and text today to remember that to spend eternity with God we must be apart of the Church.
11:39 pm edt
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Talking to a Holy GodEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 86. In our text today
we see a theme of David's devoted trust in times of deep trouble. This prayer of David gives us a pattern of prayer. In making
application we see that the Lord hears our prayers and responds even when we make mistakes. It is our faith and trust in who
God is that gives us the confidence to humbly and boldly approach the throne of grace and mercy. If we are saved our sins
have been forgiven so we can talk to a Holy God. How about you? Do you talk to God through Prayer? Let us learn from our Psalm
and text today to remember that we can talk to a Holy God and He hears our prayers.
10:22 pm edt
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Jesus is LordEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 85. In our text today we see a theme of
reverence to restoration. We see how if we acknowledge who God really is - then it puts us in a position to accept His forgiveness
and in return we receive our love and joy for God. In making application we see our need to reverence or exalt the Lord. When
He is high and lifted up we gain the right perspective as it shows us the truth of who God is - and who we are, lost sinners.
Once lost we can see our need for a Savior , Jesus-Christ. How about you? Do you see the truth of who God is as it relates
to who we really are? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember our position as it relates to a Holy God and
that Jesus is Lord. Thank You,
David Burnette,
Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com
| facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter
: USBible Society
5:51 am edt
Friday, October 18, 2013
His PresenceEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 84. In our text today
we see a theme of how God's living presence is our greatest joy. In making application we see how our greatest joy is the
presence of the Lord in our lives. Being a surrendered Christian we learn that nothing compares to His presence in our live.
Today we see the enemy attempting to fill our lives with activities and worldly thoughts. These "things" rob us
of our time with the Lord and unfortunately our joy. How about you? Are you full of the joy of the Lord? Let us learn from
our Psalm and Text today to remember that the Joy of the Lord in our lives is conditional to the amount of time we spend in
His Presence. Thank You,
David Burnette,
Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com
| facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter
: USBible Society
6:20 am edt
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Overwhelming EvidenceEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 83. In our text today we see a theme of
combating God's enemies though the prayers for God to show his power. In making application we see that God is still in control
and shows those who rebel against Him that He is Lord. Through the evidence of nature, creation, weather, history, Jesus,
and the cross we see the Power of God being witnessed to a lost and dying world. Add to that the testimony of us who have
been redeemed as we allow Christ to live in and through us and you see the overwhelming truth that sinners have to overlook
to continue in their lost condition. How about you? Do you see the truth of the evidence that Jesus is Lord? Let us learn
from our Psalm and text today to remember that God is in control and gives overwhelming evidence to His Power and Lordship.
Thank You,
David Burnette,
Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
11:28 pm edt
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
A Fair JudgeEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 82. In our text today we see a theme of
how our God is a fair judge. How He will judge the wicked who have treated others unfairly. In making application we see the
reoccurring theme how God judges sin, sin separates us from God, and why we need to be saved. Today society mistakes the grace
of God for God's acceptance of their sin. We see sinners flaunting their sin in society saying that it is okay not realizing
that judgment is right around the corner. How about you? Do you mistake the grace of God as a license to sin? Let us learn
from our Psalm and text today to remember that God is fair judge and that we must not mistake God's Grace for God's acceptance
of our sin.
Thank You,
David Burnette,
Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
11:34 pm edt
Monday, October 14, 2013
God is FaithfulEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 81. In our text today we see a theme of
holiday hymn of a celebration of the Exodus from Egypt despite Israel's waywardness. In making application we see how God
is faithful to us even when we are not faithful to Him. Yes, we do reap what we sow and miss out on God's best when we disobey
but even in our disobedience God still loves you. How about you? Have you strayed from God? Let us learn from our Psalm and
text today to remember that our God is faithful and loves us even when we are not faithful to Him.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
10:48 pm edt
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Attaining VictoryEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 80. In our text today we see a theme of
our prayer for revival and restoration after experiencing destruction. In making application we see that God is our only hope.
In defeat we understand that we are not in control and our efforts can be insufficient. Being humbled we see who is in control
and we see our need to depend on our Lord. Once we are humbled and submit to His Lordship then we can be used of he Lord to
do His Will in our lives. How about you? Are you humbled before the Lord? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember
that our humility is the beginning to us attaining victory in our lives.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
10:30 pm edt
Friday, October 11, 2013
Mad at God?Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 79. In our text today
we see a theme of our response to God in times of injustice. Our response is to cry out to God instead of crying our against
God. In making application we see that when things seem to go against us we can get mad at God or we can call out to the God
of all justice and knowledge to handle our situation. Today many do not understand injustices in the world but as we have
been learning through the Psalms that everyone will give and account to the Lord and our Lord deals His Justice in His Timing.
How about you? Do you get mad at God when you face injustice in the world? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember
that our Lord deals with injustice so we should cry out to the Lord instead of getting mad at God for mans injustice.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
9:57 pm edt
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Taking Another PathEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 78. In our text today
we see a theme of lessons leaned through History that are recorded for us in the pages of the Bible. In making application
we see as we learned yesterday that the recorded past can encourage us to walk by faith in the present. Today we see that
looking at the past we can learn by the mistakes of our forefathers. A wise man learns from his mistakes and with the Word
of God we can learn and avoid the poor decisions that led Israel astray. How about you? Do you learn from your mistakes? Let
us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember the mistakes recorded for us in the Bible so we will not follow in those
footsteps but rather take another path to victory.
Thank You, David
Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
10:49 pm edt
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
God's PromisesEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 77. In our text today we see a theme of
being comforted through the hard times by remembering God's help in the past. In making application we have God's Word full
of promises to recall what God has done. We have our testimony of what he has done personally for us in the past to comfort
and encourage us to continue in the present. Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever so we can place our faith and
trust in what God did in the past. How about you? Are you facing tough times? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to
remember that what God did in the past - He will do in the future and we have His Word on it.
10:37 pm edt
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Glory to GodEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 76. In our text today we see a theme of
how God uses those who revolt against Him to still bring glory to Himself. In making application we see how God is in control
to the point that he uses those who persecute Him and His People to bring glory to God. Just as He used Pharaohs' anger to
free His People in the past, today we see God still uses those who persecute Him and His People to bring glory to Himself.
Governments, religions, groups, and individuals who attempt to revolt against God end up being used to bring Glory to God.
How about you? Are you fearful with others who want to persecute you? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember
that our Lord is in control to the point that He uses those who persecute us to bring Glory to Himself.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
9:47 pm edt
Monday, October 7, 2013
His TimingEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 75. In our text today we see a theme of
God being the final judge who will turn the tables on the wicked. In making application we see the constant theme of how God
is in control, the wicked will be judged, all according to God's Will and God's timing. How about you? Do you struggle with
others are not brought to a quick justice? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that our God is just and
He delivers justice according to His Will and His timing.
Thank You, David
Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
11:55 pm edt
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Moving MountainsEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 74. In our text today we see a theme of
God's people pleading for Him to intervene while remembering His promises. In making application we see a pattern for the
believer. We have His Word with His promises for us to walk by. We can pray for Him to intervene knowing that He hears us
and responds to us according to His Will and His timing. Knowing this we face any mountain in our path. How about you? Are
you facing a mountain in your life? Let us learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that we can talk to our Lord, we
have His Promises in His Word, so we can face any obstacles in our path knowing our Lord can move mountains.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
10:32 pm edt
Friday, October 4, 2013
Where is God when Others do Wrong?Each day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 73. In our text today we see a theme of
the temporary prosperity of the wicked and the lasting rewards of the righteous. In making application we see a question many
ask? Why do the wicked seem to get away with doing wrong? Where is God when others do wrong? The truth is that God is here
and He knows - taking account of those who do evil. We are on Gods timetable and His Will is that none should perish but come
to repentance. God gives grace to the wicked to repent but He lets us know that every one will face God and give an account
for their sin. In contrast the Godly who do right will face the same God to receive a reward. The bottom line is that God
is our judge and delivers justice. Those who are saved go to Heaven those who reject Christ will spend eternity separated
from Him in Hell. How about you? Are you Saved? Do you get frustrated when the ungodly seem to get away with evil? Let us
learn from our Psalm and text today to remember that our God is just delivers His justice to everyone encouraging us to live
Godly remembering that everyone will give an account for their lives.
Thank You, David
Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
10:45 pm edt
Friday, October 4, 2013
Training Your ChildrenEach day we walk
through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can
be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 72. In our text today we see a theme of
a Perfect King as Solomon asks God to help his son rule the nation with Godly precepts. In making application we see a principle
for Christian parents to pray and train their Children to embrace Godly principles. Train up a child with love, instruction,
time, and a relationship. Not all will follow our instruction but if we true life before our children a majority will follow
in our footsteps. How about you? Do you pray, train, and live a Godly life before your children? Let us learn from our Psalm
and text today to remember that the Godly lives we live before our children will influence our children to live Godly lives.
Thank You,
David Burnette,
Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
12:10 am edt
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
An Open BookEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord.
Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book of Psalm with Chapter 71. In our text today
we see a theme of God's constant help - from childhood to old age our lives are a testimony of what God has done for us. In
making application we see that our Christian lives are a book. A book of testimony to the Glory of God working in and through
the life of a believer. Our lives are not perfect but the life of a believer should be lived as an open book in a world that
desperately needs to see Christ. How about you? Do you live your life as an open book before others in your life? Let us learn
from our Psalm and text today to remember that our Christian life should be an open book and although we are not to be "of
the world" but are to live "in the world" as an open book of the love, redemption, and victory that comes from
a life in Christ-Jesus.
Thank You, David
Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
11:12 pm edt
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Lord Help Me Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application
of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we continue in the Book
of Psalm with Chapter 70. In our text today we see a theme of an urgent prayer for help when in need. In making application
we see that our Lord is just a prayer away. Our Lord hears our prayers and responds according to His Will. A simple prayer
of "Lord help me" can move mountains in our lives. As a Christian we have the living God of the universe that owns
it all and can do all things. How about you? Are you facing an obstacle that seems to be overwhelming? Let us learn from our
Psalm and text today to remember that our Lord hears us and is only a Prayer away.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any
Questions or Comments, Email : info@bibles4free.com | facebook : David W Burnette facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society
11:22 pm edt

Above is my Personal Blog of teachings
and from our Dailly Devotions and Newsletters. Please leave any comments, questions, and concerns. Thank you for allowing
me to be your Director of the United States Bible Society, Inc. My name is David Burnette and I am so blessed to serve this
work with my family David, Beverly, Joseph, Sarah, Lydia, John, Grace, James, & Faith. The Lord called me to this work
and we so blessed to a part of the the Belmont Baptist Church in
Conyers, Ga. U.S.A.

Our vision and mission is to distribute His Word in these last of the last days. Our Mission
is to reach the 1/2 of the World who has never seen a Bible and the 75% of the World who does not own a Bible. Our Method
is to simply depend on the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance as we inform the Body of Christ of the World Wide Bible
Shortage. As the Holy Spirit burdens believers we will print, purchase, and recycle older Bibles, then network with Ministries
and Missionaries to place Bibles in the hands of needy souls. A special thanks to our Friends at the Spread the Word
Bible College & Seminary for the Honorary Doctors of Divinity Degree. It a great honor to be associated with your University.
Please contact me with any need, question, or concerns. My Personal email is info@bibles4free.com