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Your Personal Invitation to be Saved
and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over!!!
(1) God loves You!! Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (2) Your Sin (or Disobedience to God) has Separated You from God!! Romans 5:12, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned: (3) Only Jesus-Christ
can Forgive Your Sins!! Acts 4:12, Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (4) Will You Receive Jesus-Christ as
Your Lord (or Authority) & Savior (or Rescuer)?? Mark 1:15, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Repent
(Through Prayer) Sorrowfully tell God Your a Sinner, willing to turn from Your Sins and trust Jesus-Christ's shedding of Blood
and Death on the Cross for Full Payment of Your Sins and will Follow Him.
Director of the United States Bible Society David Burnette | Personal Blog
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Spiritual Warfare Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 10. In our text today we see Daniels
final vision as He sees the Heavenly Messenger and the spiritual warfare that goes on as the message of the Lord and those
who want to destroy it. In making application we need to realize that we are engaged in Spiritual Warfare. Yes, the Lord is
Real, Salvation, the Holy Spirit who is over all but the Enemy is real also, not as powerful but determined to reck an ruin
our lives. Recognizing the enemy attacks and focusing on the Word of God through Obedience is an effective way to defeat the
enemy. How about you? Do you see the Spiritual Warfare that we are engaged in day to day? Let us learn from our text today
and the words and vision of Daniel that shows us that we are engaged in Spiritual Warfare and our path to victory is to focus
on that Lord, His Word, and His Spirit. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:41 pm edt
Monday, September 29, 2014
Do You Pray?Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 9. In our text today we see Daniel praying
for His people and the Lord spoke to Him to convey His Message to the people. In making application we see the need to pray
and seek the Lord for He does love us and will speak to us through His Word. Today many fail to have God's best for their
life simply because they do not pray and seek the Lord. How about you? Do you Pray? Let us learn from our text today and the
example of Daniel to see that the Lord does hear your prayers and answers them according to His Plan and Purpose for your
life. Thank You, David
Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:41 pm edt
Sunday, September 28, 2014
No Need to WorryEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 8. In our text today we see more prophecy
that has and will come to pass even the future of Alexander the Great. What catches my eye is how the Lord used all
of our efforts, both good and bad to accomplish His Will. In making application we see that the Lord is in total control.
We need not fret or worry for we know who holds tomorrow. Yes, we do reap what we sow and we need to make wise decisions but
we are in the Lord's hands and He will protect and provide us. How about you? Do you worry? Let us learn from our text
today and the fulfilled prophecy of Daniel to see that Lord is in total control and we need not worry but simply need to be
obedient to our Heavenly Father who provides and protects us every day. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
9:19 pm edt
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Yesterday, Today, and Forever.Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 7. In our text today we see the beginning
of Daniel's visions as the Lord reveals future events in these dreams which Daniel records. From future goverments to Jesus-Christ
to End times we see the pieces of the puzzle fit together in union with the book of Revelation. In making application
we see more examples of the Living Word of God as its text is both of Yesterday, Today, and Forever. This truth
should motivate us to look in its pages for instruction and application in all aspects of our lives. How about you? Do
you Look to the Word of God for Instruction in Your life? Let us learn from our text today and the prophecy of Daniel
to realize that the Bible is the Living Word of God of Yesterday, Today, and Forever, that we should reference daily
for in its pages it shows us all aspects of our personal lives giving us instruction and guidance to face all of life's
challenges. Thank You, David
Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact
Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:12 am edt
Thursday, September 25, 2014
The Lions DenEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 6. In our text today we see the account
of Daniel in the Lions den as the Lord protected him and not even a hair on his head was touched. In making application we
see that our lives may put us in the lions den but with our Lord Jesus we have his protection when enemies rise against us.
How about you? Are you facing a lions den experience in your life? Let us learn from our text today and the life of Daniel
to see that the Lord protect us even when are placed in the lions den. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
10:08 pm edt
The Handwriting on the Wall Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 5. In our text today we see Daniel
interpreting the hand righting on the wall as a message for all who defy God. In making application we see that the Lord does
judge sin but His Heart is that we would repent and be saved. Today the Lord has written us 66 love letters in the pages of
the Bible and has warned us of sin and has given us the truth on how to be saved. How about you? Do you see the truth of the
pages of the Bible? Let us learn from our text today and hand writing on the wall to see that our Lord loves us, and has written
His plan for us down in the pages of the Bible just as he did when the hand appeared writing on the wall. Thank You, David Burnette,
Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:29 am edt
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A Proud HeartEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 4. In our text today we see the King
dreaming about a tree and the kings demise. Daniel pleaded for Nebuchadnezzar to change his ways and repent but his proud
heart caused the dream to be fulfilled. In making application we see how pride cometh before a fall and repentance is needed
for salvation and deliverance. How about you? Do you have a proud heart. Let us learn from our text today and the life of
Nebuchadnezzar to see the pride cometh before a fall and a repetitive heart is needed for salvation and deliverance. Thank You, David Burnette,
Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:23 pm edt
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Fiery FurnaceEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 3. In our text today we see the story
of the 4 men in the furnace as 3 and 1 being like the image of the Son of God. As the 3 came out they did not even smell
of smoke. In making application we see that we need not to compromise on the Lord for He is with us even in the furnaces
of life. How about you? Are you facing a furnace situation in you life? Let us learn from our text today and the account
of the furnace to see that the Lord is with us even when face the fiery furnaces of life. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:14 am edt
Answered PrayersEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue with the Book of Daniel with Chapter 2. In our text today we see how God allows
Daniel to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dreams. In making application we see how the Lord will guide us through stressful
times as He Answers our prayers. Today we will face many challenges but our Lord is there to answer your prayers. How about
you? Do you see that the Lord is there, answering our prayers in stressful times? Let us learn from our text today and the life
of Daniel to see that the Lord is there and that He does answer prayers when we face difficult circumstances
and situations. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
1:33 am edt
Saturday, September 20, 2014
CompromiseEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we start the Book of Daniel with Chapter 1. In our text today we see Daniel becoming the King's
Counselor while not eating the King's meat because of who He was. In making application we see that there are many today
that are in authority that would have us compromise on our Christian standards or values. The true test comes when we
are forced to choose who we will serve? God or Man. How about you? Who will you choose? Let us learn from our text today
and the life of Daniel who chose to serve God over man and God's Favor was unleashed in his life. Thank You, David Burnette,
Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:04 am edt
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Preparing a PlaceEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 48. In our text today we see the land divided among
the tribes showing that there is a place for all who have salvation in the Lord. In making application we see how our
Lord is preparing a place for us before the rapture of the Church. This truth should motivate us to be obedient and focused
on the Lord. How about you? Are you obedient to the Lord? Let us learn from our text today and the Book of Ezekiel
to see the vision the Lord gave Ezekiel about the times we are living today from Israel to the Rapture
to the Temple which should cause us to obedient and busy about the Lord's business. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:36 pm edt
Share the Gospel Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 47. In our text today we see the river of healing
flowing from the throne of God symbolizing the Gospel of Jesus-Christ. In making application we see power of the Gospel in
our lives and as Saved Individuals the importance and priority of sharing this gift with others. How about you? Do you share
the Gospel? Let us learn from our text today and the vision of the new temple that pictures for us the calling of the Lord
to go into all the world and share the Gospel, which starts with me, right where the Lord has placed me. Thank You, David Burnette,
Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
8:27 am edt
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Worship through GivingEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 46. In our text today we see the different offerings
being offered in the temple and how giving is a part of Worship. In making application we see that tithing is just the begging
of Worship through giving. As we mature in the Lord we will see our giving increase past a mere tithe as we learn that the
Lord owns 100% of what we have and as we give to Him we will see the Lord giving back to us pressed down and running over.
How about you? Do you give to the Lord? Let us learn from our text today to see that the Lord owns it all and We have the
opportunity to Worship through our giving as the Lord gives to us we can inurn give to Him. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:43 am edt
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Allowing Jesus to be Lord Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 45. In our text today we see the Lord's portion
of land that was appointed for the temple was in the center of the Nation. In making application we see that the Lord wants
us to allow Him to be the center of our lives by putting Him first. When we do we allow Him to be the Lord or Master of our
lives that allow us to gain His favor, How about you? Is the Lord the center of your life? let us learn from our text today
and see that the Lord wants you to allow Him to be the center of your life and for Him to be Lord and in doing so we will
allow His blessings to flow through our lives. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:09 am edt
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Unity in the BodyEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 44. In our text today we see a continuing description
of the temple with requirements of the priests. Now Jesus-Christ is the High Priest but the other priest completed duties
in the tabernacle as servants who Minister or Serve. In making application today we have Ministers and Leaders in the
Church who serve the body through preaching, teaching, intercessory prayer, etc. with the purpose of serving Christ. The
Church Body and Church Leaders should work together to serve this purpose with Unity walking in one accord. How
about you? Are you unified in serving the Lord through the body of Christ? Let us learn from our text today and
the description of the new temple to see that as servants of the Lord we are to work in Unity as Leaders and the Body as we
serve Jesus-Christ. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
9:16 pm edt
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The SacrificeEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 43. In our text today we see the sacrifices in the
temple as this vision was looking at Mount Sinai forward to Mount Calvary showing the sacrificial system from Moses to Jesus-Christ.
In making application we see the sacrifice paid for our sin. How about you? Do you see the sacrifice that Jesus paid for you
personal sin debt? Let us learn from our text today and see the sacrificial system and how Jesus was the one time sacrifice
that saves men that call upon His Name. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
8:24 am edt
Friday, September 12, 2014
Jesus Christ, Our High PriestEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 42. In our text today we see a continuing description
of the temple with an emphasis on the Priesthood noting the holiness of God and the need of the Priest to intercede on sinful
mans behalf with the sacrifice offerings. In making application we see that Jesus-Christ is our High Priest, He has made our
sacrifice with the finished work on Calvary, and He is our intercessor bringing our petitions to the Father.
How about you? Do you see Jesus-Christ as our High Priest? Let us learn from our text today and see that Jesus
makes intercession for us before the Father and how He is our High Priest as described by Ezekiel and His account through the
prophecy through the rebuilding of the temple. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:48 am edt
Thursday, September 11, 2014
God is HolyEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 41. In our text today we see the continuing account of the vision
of the temple with the most holy place. God's Holiness is the central theme throughout the Old and New Testaments and in this
text the temple will be built to testify of this truth. In making application we see that God testifies of His Holiness to
show why we cannot perform works cannot gain God's favor, why Jesus had to be crucified, and why we must be saved in
the finished work at Calvary. How about you? Are you going to Heaven? Let us learn from our text today and the description
of the rebuilding of the temple to see that God is Holy, we cannot be saved by our works of righteousness,
but only Jesus-Christ's finished work on Calvary is worthy to pay mans sin debt to a Holy God. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
1:07 am edt
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Busy About the Lords BusinessEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 40. In our text today we see restoring the worship
of God with the new temple. This prophecy is a literal temple is built during the millennial reign of Christ after the rapture.
In making application we see the soon coming of Christ, the importance of worship, and how God's Plan is well into
motion which should cause us to busy about His business in these last days. How about you? Do you see God's Plan in Action?
Let us learn from our text today and the prophecy of Ezekiel who has told us a specifics in God's Plan that are unveiling
as we speak which should cause us to busy about the Lord's Business for we are living in the last days before the rapture.
Thank You, David
Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:54 am edt
Monday, September 8, 2014
VindicatedEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by
chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 39. In our text today we see how God's holiness will
be vindicated as the battle continues but the Lord prevails showing again He is Lord of All. In making application we see
that since the Lord is in total control so we need not worry when we face challenges or difficulties in this life for we know
who holds the future and who wins in the end. How about you? Do you see the how the Lord is control? Let us learn from our
text today and the account of Gog and Magog to see that the Lord is in total control over evil, that the Lord prevails and
will gain total victory. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:58 pm edt
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Dry Bones Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 37. In our text today we see the vision
of the valley of the dry bones. This illustration is a picture of the Jews and Israel as they were scattered and dry. Then
brought back to life to work as a body released from the grave through the Messiah. In making application we see the story of
Israel as a testimony to Greatness and Reality of God which should cause us to be saved and live for Him. How about
you? Do you see the reality of the Lord through the Nation of Israel? Let us learn from our text today and the example from
our text to see the illustration of the dry bones to see that we are part of the body, and being so let us walk
in the spirit of the Lord to do His Will in these last days before Jesus Returns. Thank You, David Burnette,
Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:52 am edt
Friday, September 5, 2014
Israel - God's Promise and NationEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an
application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's
text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 36. In our text today we see the prophecy of Israel
reclaiming its original land in 1948 and being a nation as Ezekiel foretold. Not only does this event show the world that
the God of the Bibles is real the continued existence of this little nation surrounded by those who want to destroy it also
shows the power of our God. In making application we see how God keeps his promises and how He will do the same in your life.
How about you? Do you see the reality of our God and How He keeps His Promises? Let us learn from our text today to see that
the existence of Israel is a testament that the God of the Bible is real and all other promises from salvation to redemption
are true so let us follow the Lord, be saved, and serve Him in these last days. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please
Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:28 am edt
Thursday, September 4, 2014
DefeatedEach day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 35. In our text today we see how
Edom will be wiped out. Here Edom represents the enemies against God. In making application we see the enemies of
God still making an attempt to eliminate Israel and the people of God. Their names change from the Edomites,
to the Hittites, to Jebusites, etc. the list goes on and on to the enemies of today. Yet the little
nation of Isreal remains and all the enemies of the past and present will pass away defeated by the God of the
Bible. How about you? Do you see the current path of the enemies of God? Let us learn from out text today and
the prophecy of Ezekiel to see that God is Sovereign and History unfold as the enemies of God are defeated
by the God of the Bible.
10:27 pm edt
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The Good ShepardEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 34. In our text today we see Israel is God's flock and the difference
between Good Shepard's and Bad Shepard's as leaders in our Churches with the good taking care of the flock while the bad
take care of themselves. In making application we see that we have bad Shepard's amongst us but good also that
follow the example of the ultimate Good Shepard - the Lord Jesus-Christ. How about you? Do you see the
characteristics of good spiritual leadership? Let us learn from our text today and the example of Ezekiel
to realize that as children of God we are like sheep and as we gather and serve in our Churches there are characteristics
of Good Spiritual Leadership for us to exhibit and to follow as we all serve the Ultimate Good Shepard, our Lord and Savior
12:08 am edt
A WatchmanEach day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each
day's text. Today we continue the Book of Ezekiel with Chapter 33. In our text today we see the beginning of
the restoration of the people of God as He reminds Ezekiel that he is a watchman to bring a message of hope and encouragement
to the nation Israel. In making application we see that as saved people we too are to be watchmen giving the Gospel to
a lost and dying world. How about you? Do you share your faith? Let us learn from our text today and the Life of Ezekiel to
see that we should be watchmen. Reaching the Lost world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus-Christ.
8:09 am edt

Above is my Personal Blog of teachings
and from our Dailly Devotions and Newsletters. Please leave any comments, questions, and concerns. Thank you for allowing
me to be your Director of the United States Bible Society, Inc. My name is David Burnette and I am so blessed to serve this
work with my family David, Beverly, Joseph, Sarah, Lydia, John, Grace, James, & Faith. The Lord called me to this work
and we so blessed to a part of the the Belmont Baptist Church in
Conyers, Ga. U.S.A.

Our vision and mission is to distribute His Word in these last of the last days. Our Mission
is to reach the 1/2 of the World who has never seen a Bible and the 75% of the World who does not own a Bible. Our Method
is to simply depend on the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance as we inform the Body of Christ of the World Wide Bible
Shortage. As the Holy Spirit burdens believers we will print, purchase, and recycle older Bibles, then network with Ministries
and Missionaries to place Bibles in the hands of needy souls. A special thanks to our Friends at the Spread the Word
Bible College & Seminary for the Honorary Doctors of Divinity Degree. It a great honor to be associated with your University.
Please contact me with any need, question, or concerns. My Personal email is info@bibles4free.com