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Your Personal Invitation to be Saved
and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over!!!
(1) God loves You!! Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (2) Your Sin (or Disobedience to God) has Separated You from God!! Romans 5:12, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned: (3) Only Jesus-Christ
can Forgive Your Sins!! Acts 4:12, Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (4) Will You Receive Jesus-Christ as
Your Lord (or Authority) & Savior (or Rescuer)?? Mark 1:15, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Repent
(Through Prayer) Sorrowfully tell God Your a Sinner, willing to turn from Your Sins and trust Jesus-Christ's shedding of Blood
and Death on the Cross for Full Payment of Your Sins and will Follow Him.
Director of the United States Bible Society David Burnette | Personal Blog
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Discovering God's Plan for Your LifeEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start in the book ofZechariah with Chapter 1. In our text today we see
Zechariah getting messages while rebuilding the temple. Here the Lord speaks to Zechariah as he works and follows instructions.
In making application we see a principle of how the Lord reveals steps of His plan for our lives as we walk and obey each
step. As we walk in the light He reveals more light for His master plan for your life. How about you? Are you walking in His
light in your life? Let us learn from our text today and the example of Zechariah to see that the Lord will speak to us and
reveal His plan for our lives as we walk in His light then He will reveal more light for His Plan for our lives.
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:44 pm est
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Be Strong and WorkEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue in the book of Haggai with Chapter 2. In our text today we see Haggai's encouragement to complete the Temple
with the instruction to be strong and work for the Lord is with you. In making application we see that we must have faith
and follow the instruction of the Lord by obeying and doing what He says. How about you? Do you follow the instruction of
the Lord? Let us learn from our text today and the words of Haggai to see that we are to obey the instruction of the Lord
by being strong and work for the Lord is with with us.
Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:35 am est
Friday, November 28, 2014
Make the Lord First in Your Life Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start the book of Haggai with Chapter 1. In our text today we see the call for Israel instructed to rebuild the temple
after their return from Babylon but due to their fears and misplaced priorities the plan of the Lord was delayed. In making
application we see the importance of placing the Lord 1st in your life. Things will come and go but it if you place the Lord
first you will see Him accomplish His Will in you. How about you? Is the Lord your #1 priority? Let us learn from our text
today and the warning of Haggai to see that we must put the Lord first to see His Will completed in our lives.
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:36 am est
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Pride is Self WorshipEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue in the book of Zephaniah with Chapter 3. In our text today we see Judgement will come to Jerusalem as the people
pretended to worship God but in their heart became prideful and scornful with the answer being a repetitive heart that ends
up with Hope. In making application we see that root of many folks going astray is Pride - or a self worship - that places
our opinions above that of the Lord. How about you? Do you place your opinion above the Word of God? Let us learn from our
text today and the words of Zephaniah to see that Pride is simply self worship that leads to a path of destruction if we fail
to repent. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
8:34 am est
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
God's Simple SoultionEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue in the book of Zephaniah with Chapter 2. In our text today we see a reoccurring theme of Old Testament prophets
as they announce the news of judgement with the simple solution of humbling yourself, repent or turn from your sin, and obey
God. In making application we see God's simple solution for your life, humility-repentance-and obedience to have a home in
Heaven and forgiveness of sin. How about you? Have you been saved? Let us learn from our text today and the warning of Zephaniah
and the other prophets who all delivered God's simple Soultion for a happy healthy life both here and for eternity. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
7:55 am est
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Idols Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start the book of Zephaniah with Chapter 1. In our text today we see Zephaniah warned the people that judgment would
come as Judah worshiped idols. In making application we see that our world still worships idols. Today idols are more sophisticated
from money, possessions, work, fame, celebrity, etc... any thing that comes between you and the Lord is an idol. How about
you? Have you allowed Idols to come into your life? Let us learn from our text today and the warning of Zephaniah to see that
we still have idols in the world and if we allow these idols to come in our lives we will see the judgement that came to Judah
will come to us. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:52 am est
Monday, November 24, 2014
Doing His WillEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue the book of Habakkuk with Chapter 3. In our text today we see Habakkuk praising God for answering His question.
Trusting in His answer, Habakkuk prayed for Mercy for Judah, knowing God would bring judgement. In making application we see
how we should have a heart to reach others. We should pray for Mercy for sinners and share God's Word before judgement comes.
How about you? Do you see God's Purpose for your life? Let us learn from our text today and the life of Habakkuk who did the
will of God by reaching the lost, sharing the Gospel, and praying for Mercy before judgment comes. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:12 am est
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The Lord's TimetableEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start the book of Habakkuk with Chapter 1. In our text today we see that Habakkuk was saddened by the corruption he saw
around him and he poured out his heart to the Lord. In his prayer the Lord revealed His long-range plan an purpose. In making
application we see that our plans and timetable are not always the same as the Lord. Today it seems injustice is rampant yet
the Lord is still incontrol, He has a plan and timetable to perform His Will. How about you? Do you get frustrated when the
Lord does not respond on your timetable? Let us learn from our text today and the prayer of Habakkuk to see that the Lord
is in control and delivers justice on His Timetable. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:59 pm est
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Today is the Day of RepentanceEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue in the book of Nahum with Chapter 2. In our text today we see that Nineveh failing to learn from its past and
passing a point of repentance and facing judgement. In making application we see that we must repent while there is time for
a time will come when it will to late to repent. Just as in the days of Noah, Nineveh, and today there is a time where the
invitation to repent will end. How about you? Do you see that today is the day of repentance? Let us learn from our text today
and the warning by Nahum to see that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and that today is the day of repentance. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
10:26 pm est
Remember the PastEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start the book of Nahum with Chapter 1. In our text today we see Nahum is a prophet to Nineveh years after Jonah delivered
the message of revival. Now the people of Nineveh have returned to their sin and have forgot the past and find themselves
facing judgment again. In making application we see the importance of learning from our past mistakes. We too will repeat
our mistakes and find ourselves in sin facing judgement if we fail to remember what the Lord has done in our lives. How about
you? Do you remember how the Lord delivered you from sin when you were saved? Let us learn from our text today and the example
of Nineveh to remember how the Lord delivers us from sin so we will not follow back into that path that will brings judgement. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:49 am est
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Everyone is doing itEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 7. In our text today we see how Micah could not find an honest man anywhere
in the Land to finish the book with the Lord bringing eventual Restoration. In making application we see that honesty is hard
to find as even those who claim to be Christians fail to be truthful. With the wide spread sin it is easy to fall into the
trap that "Everyone is Doing it" How about you? Do you compromise on sin due to others around you? Let us learn
from our text today and the warning of Micah to not compromise on sin because of others around us doing it but rather obey
the Word of God because restoration is coming and the Lord is Just. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact
Me with Any Questions or Comments,
10:17 pm est
Friday, November 14, 2014
Living Sacrifices of Obedience Each day we walk through the Bible chapter
by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text.
Today we continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 6. In our text today we see that God had a complaint with the people
of Israel and in their response to people tried to appease the Lord with sacrifices when He wanted them to present themselves
as living sacrifices of obedience. In making application the Lord wants the same of us today. Once saved He wants us to present
our bodies as living sacrifices that allow the Spirit of God to live in us and through us. How about you? Are you presenting
yourself as a living sacrifice to the Lord? Let us learn from our text today and the rrelationshipbetween Israel and the Lord
to see that He wants us to be saved, then, to present ourselves to be living sacrifices of obedience to the Lord. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:14 pm est
The Bible Stands Alone Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 5. In our text today we see Micah prophesying about a ruler that will come
from Bethlehem , the Lord Jesus-Christ, hundreds of years before He comes. How he will be the prince of peace, the King of
Kings, and the Lord of Lords. In making application we see how the Bible stands alone from any "religious book"
as it tells of things to come that have come true and things that will come true. How about you? Do you see the power in the
prophecy of the Bible? Let us learn from our text today and the prophecy of Micah who told of the things to come that have
come true that validate the deity of Christ and how a person must be saved to enter the Kingdom of the Lord. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
1:44 am est
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Golden Rule Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 4. In our text today we see Micah prophesying over the last days as the Lord
will be King and how there will be no more wars and people will beat their swords into plowshares. In making application we
see how peace will inhabit the earth so as Christians we should allow the Holy Spirit to control us to the point of being
people of peace. We should no quarrel with our brother or show hatred to one another but rather love and forgive one another
as Christ has forgiven us. Yes, we do need to defend and protect our families and nations against those who seek to destroy
us but when it comes to relationships with others we should extend the Golden Rule even if we have to make the first move.
How about you? Do you allow the Holy Spirit to control you when it comes to relationships with others? Let us learn from our
text today and the life of Micah to see how we can live now in peace in the power of the Holy Spirit when it comes to our
relationship with others. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
12:09 am est
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
False ProphetsEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 3. In our text today we see Micah denouncing the sins of the leaders, priests,
and prophets as they misled the people and took advantage of their position. In making application we see the warning to those
in authority and spiritual positions. Today we many false leaders among us who are facing the same judgment that these faced.
How about you? Do you see the warning to both the leader and the follower who choose to not follow the Bible? Let us learn
from our text today and the warning of Micah to see that judgment comes to those in leadership who mislead others. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
8:36 pm est
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Lord Removes InjusticeEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Micah with Chapter 2. In our text today we see Micah speaking out against those who plan evil
deeds explaining how God removes those who do injustice. In making application we see how to handle those who do evil or wrong
to us by simply giving it over to the Lord. The Lord will fight our battles and remove those who do us wrong. Today it seems
like evil is winning but rest assured that the Lord will remove the injustice and we need to reach out to the lost before
they face a certain judgement. How about you? Do you understand that the Lord will fight our battles for us? Let us learn
from our text today and the Warning of Micah to see that the Lord will judge those who do injustice so we need to give those
who wrong us over to the Lord who will fight our battles for us and bring judgement to those who refuse to repent.
10:42 pm est
Sunday, November 9, 2014
A Loving Message Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
start the book of Micah with Chapter 1. In our text today we see Micah delivering the word of the Lord to Judah and Samaria
explaining the Lords disapproval of their sin just as a lawyer would in a Court case. In making application we see that
the Lord still hates sin but loves the sinner warning them to repent before it is too late. In making application we see the
Lord is still delivering His loving message through the pages of the Bible telling us of our sin and to repent before it is
too late. How about you? Do you see the warning of the Lord through His Word, the Bible. Let us learn from our text today
and the Message of the Bible where the Lord explains how He loves us, how we are sinners, and Jesus-Christ who has paid the
price for our sins if we would call on him to be saved. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact
Me with Any Questions or Comments,
10:47 pm est
Friday, November 7, 2014
A Loving FatherEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Jonah with Chapter 4. In our text today we see Jonah being angry at the mercy that God showed
the enemies of Jonah grace. God loved Jonah too and lovingly discipline him with the gourd and the worm. In making application
we see how the Lord is our loving father giving us discipline and grace according to the need in our life. How about you?
Do you see how the Lord loves you just as a loving father deals with his children. Let us learn from our text today and see
how the Lord loves us and ministers to us in grace and discipline according to our need just like a loving father. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:38 pm est
Thursday, November 6, 2014
The Importance of ObedienceEach day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Jonah with Chapter 3. In our text today we see Jonah fulfills his mission and preaches to Nineveh
and they repent. In making application we see the importance of obedience as the people that Jonah doubted and despised were
saved. Today many refuse to obey the Lord by sharing the Gospel with those who are living in sin or of low social status but
if we would obey they too will be saved. How about you? Do you share the Gospel with others who are living in sin? Let us
learn from our text today and the life of Jonah to be obedient so that others will be saved. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
9:31 pm est
The Power of Prayer Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Jonah with Chapter 2. In our text today we see Jonah in the belly of the great fish as he repents
and prays to see God due a miracle and have the fish vomit him up as God answers his prayer. In making application we see
the power of prayer demonstrated as God hears and responds to our prayers. Today we have this same awesome opportunity to
have the God who created and controls the universe to hear and respond to us for all things in our life if we would just simply
pray to the Lord. How about you? Do you pray? Let us learn from our text today and the life of Jonah to remember that our
Lord is listening, He cares about us, and is willing to respond in our lives if we would just simply pray. Thank You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
4:27 am est
Monday, November 3, 2014
Pride and Humility Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
look at the book of Obadiah with its one Chapter. In our text today we see the Vision of Obadiah of Edom's destruction
due to it's pride and Israel's restoration due to it's humility and repentance. In making application we see how the Pride
comes before a fall and today many make the same mistake of exalting themselves to find themselves failing. How about you?
Is there pride in your life? Let us learn from our text today and the example of Edom and Israel to see that pride comes before
a fall and how God gives grace to the humble. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
10:10 pm est
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Loving Discipline Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter
making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we
continue with the book of Amos with Chapter 9. In our text today we see Lord destroying and restoring Israel showing
that God disciplines those He loves. Our Lord is not a mean judgmental God looking for you to make mistakes so he can pounce
on you but rather a loving father who lovingly disciplines His children. How about you? Do you see your Lord as a loving Father?
Let us learn from our text today and the example of Israel to see that our Lord loves us and disciplines us just as a Loving
Father disciplines His Children. Thank
You, David Burnette, Director:U.S.Bible
Society Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments,
11:18 pm est

Above is my Personal Blog of teachings
and from our Dailly Devotions and Newsletters. Please leave any comments, questions, and concerns. Thank you for allowing
me to be your Director of the United States Bible Society, Inc. My name is David Burnette and I am so blessed to serve this
work with my family David, Beverly, Joseph, Sarah, Lydia, John, Grace, James, & Faith. The Lord called me to this work
and we so blessed to a part of the the Belmont Baptist Church in
Conyers, Ga. U.S.A.

Our vision and mission is to distribute His Word in these last of the last days. Our Mission
is to reach the 1/2 of the World who has never seen a Bible and the 75% of the World who does not own a Bible. Our Method
is to simply depend on the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance as we inform the Body of Christ of the World Wide Bible
Shortage. As the Holy Spirit burdens believers we will print, purchase, and recycle older Bibles, then network with Ministries
and Missionaries to place Bibles in the hands of needy souls. A special thanks to our Friends at the Spread the Word
Bible College & Seminary for the Honorary Doctors of Divinity Degree. It a great honor to be associated with your University.
Please contact me with any need, question, or concerns. My Personal email is info@bibles4free.com